Sunday, November 3, 2013


so i was shooting the breeze with solaire today and i've come to the conclusion that my first post (regarding the message images) is wrong. solaire is too trustworthy for this to be true. i recant.

but i was thinking about domhnall. i've heard people have speculated about links to seath, though i've seen little written, few details. there do seem to be a few links though and i may have some speculation  regarding this.
domhnall sells crystal weapons, and seath is very much involved in the use of such things. in addition to this the armor the crystal general (the hollowed NPC you fight before the un-winnable first encounter with seath in the dukes archives) is quite reminiscent of domhnalls armor set, and could easily be interpreted as originally hailing from zena.
so how and why does seath have links to the people of  zena? well, the theory i have only works if domhnall is seen as an example of the tendencies and character of the people of zena. if this is the case, then the people of zena are interested in trinkets and oddities, the collection of and trade of such items and rareties. henceforth seath, being heavily invested in research of lost and rare arts would benefit greatly from contact with the people of zena and their goods, regardless of where they sourced them. likewise the people of zena would be very interested in the books, tomes and various rare magical items that seath has in his collection in the archives. i'm sure the two sides would build a good rapport and the crystal general would happily side with seath and domhnall could easily trade his wares with either the general, seath himself or some other agent of seath for the crystal items has has.

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